Wish Bouquet Wish Bouquet

Favorite product | Always online
Do you have a specific request? A bouquet of your choice? No problem! If you would like an arrangement, a specific floral decoration, a specially arranged bouquet or something else, describe your ideal desired product and the florist will create it for you. If you have previously discussed your desired product with the florist (by phone or WhatsApp), then simply write 'as discussed' under special requests.

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Price incl. VAT plus delivery costs

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Help me choose

So many humans, so many wishes. I would love to help you with your choice, do you want me to make a suggestion based on your preferences?

Monday: 9 - 18 Hour
Tuesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Wednesday: 9 - 18 Hour
Thursday: 9 - 18 Hour
Friday: 9 - 18 Hour
Saturday: 9 - 18 Hour
Sunday: Closed
Nadine Langkemper - Handel mit Schnitt- und Topfblumen


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